I've been MIA for awhile now. I started home schooling two of my boys this year. That along with all the other responsibilities of being a full time mommy and homemaker, running a business, and my endless 'projects' are all keeping me very busy!
The last few days we've had the first rains of the season. First rains are always the best! They signal and end to the long hot summer days, and the beginnings of cozy fires in the fireplace, homemade soups and stews, fresh baked breads, the gorgeous colors of Autumn and the eager anticipation of family gatherings and holiday celebrations!
I thought I'd share a few pictures that I took today in between the showers of rain...
Psalm 118:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting."
Blessings to you on this beautiful, rainy Autumn day!