We've had a very busy summer! I think not a day went by that my three boys were not outside as soon as the sun came up! They would spend nearly all the day playing in water. Of course, where there is water, there is a LOT of mud!! And of course a LOT of laundry and mopping for me!! :) But they always have such a good time, and seeing their happy faces makes it worthwhile. My heart swells with love for them. I think I grow to love them more deeply everyday... is that possible? I remember being in a panic when I was expecting our first and the ultra sound technician proudly announced that we were having a boy. What??!! A boy? One look at my husband's face and I knew he couldn't be happier or prouder. I on the other hand... what in the world was I going to do with a boy? I was sure I wouldn't know how to be a mother to a boy. I like girly feminine things. I was the little girl that loved my dolls and delicate tea parties and fancy dresses, ribbons and bows. A boy?? I spent the remaining days of my pregnancy in and out of denial. When the day arrived and I met my little boy face to face for the first time, I was so thrilled... still worried about the days to come, but so overwhelmed with love for my little miracle. The years passed and God has blessed us with two more boys! :) And these boys of mine are 100% boys! They love mud and dirt, tractors, tools and cars. They are seldom quiet and can't stay clean. Some days they try my patience to the utter end, but when they clamour to sit beside me, to hold my hand, to give me hugs and kisses, when their sweet little voices say "I love you mommy!", seeing them change and mature... seeing glimpses of the men they will one day be, well, there's just nothing that can compare in this world! And it's interesting, I find that whenever I'm out with my 3 boys, invariably a woman will walk up and say, "I am the mother of all boys! or I raised three boys also!" I almost feel like I'm a part of a special club... the "all boys club". Do moms of all girls get the same? Do strangers come up and announce that they raised all girls? Or is it just something about boys? Perhaps it's meant to be an encouragement to a young mother... that others have gone before and have survived "boyhood"...?
The bible says in Psalm 127:3 ,"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them..." Indeed... I am so blessed!
Oh Amen! God's blessing on your boys and your family. Great post. Thanks for sharing!